Volunteering provides an opportunity to meet and engage with other financial aid professionals, to develop lifetime friendships, and to provide your skills and abilities for the betterment of SASFAA. Below, you will find brief descriptions of the various committees needing volunteers for the 2024-25 year.
Please note: You must be logged in to your account and dues must be current in order to volunteer and serve on a committee. Questions regarding membership can be directed to Mark Messingschlager, 2024-25 SASFAA Membership Chair. If you did not renew your membership in 2023-24 OR you are a new member, Membership for the 2024-2025 Year will open on July 15th. Please wait until after July 15 to renew/submit your Membership Applications. Renewing prior to July 15th will create a balance owed for 2023-2024 AND require additional payment in 2024-25.
SASFAA Committees
Budget & Finance: The purpose of the Budget and Finance Committee is to provide transparency to the Executive Board and SASFAA members on the fiscal health of the association. The committee provides updates referencing the operating budget and the actual funds allocated, ensures adherence to the budgetary and fiscal policies and procedures as outlined in the P&P and Guide to Financial Management, and oversees the internal financial review.
This is a discretionary committee, and the chair is appointed by the President. The composition of the committee should include past-president(s), past-treasurer(s), past budget and finance committee members, or other members at large. The budget and finance committee develops, oversees, and maintains proper fiscal controls and financial management strategies to ensure the fiscal integrity of the association. The committee, in collaboration with the current president and treasurer, develops and proposes an annual zero-based budget which aligns with the annual goals and supports the goals established in the long-range plan. The committee meets on a periodic basis by email, virtually, and possibly in-person prior to the annual conference.
To achieve these duties, the budget and finance committee will: (1) prepare, in collaboration with the President and the Treasurer, the fiscal budget prior to the first Board meeting of the new year; (2) monitor expenditures, analyze cash flow trends , and advise the Board regarding short-term and long-term investments; SASFAA Policy and Procedure Manual January 10, 2022 Page 29 of 104 (3) make recommendations annually for changes to the current SASFAA Guide for Financial Management as amended; (4) conduct with the Treasurer quarterly reviews of cash balances and expenses and make appropriate recommendations; (5) reconcile and document daily transactions at the annual conference; (6) recommend budget adjustments, as appropriate, to stay within budget guidelines; (7) will have access to the Association’s online financial software through the Chair, who will also maintain electronic copies of the monthly reconciliation statements and investment statements, and have online access to view credit card statements; (8) review, from a fiscal liability perspective, all contract proposals and make recommendations to the president; and (9) work with the Treasurer to ensure that all financial reports including tax returns are filed by established deadlines.
Communications & Outreach: The Communications Committee is responsible for communicating with the membership through the distribution of information through news articles, social media outlets, announcements through the listserv and other communication methods. The committee supports all communication activities of the association and coordinates social media postings. The committee will also brainstorm on how to increase followers and give them a fun and educational social media experience. In-person meetings are normally not required.
Conference: Like to plan a party? Ever wanted to be "in the know" about the SASFAA Annual Conference? Then SASFAA needs you on this committee!! The Conference Committee is tasked with planning the Association's biggest event of the year for our membership and bringing the President's dreams to life. The Conference Committee has a wide variety of roles - ranging from behind the scenes in your office to the heavily involved in-person at the conference. Outgoing or reserved, SASFAA has a place for you on this committee! There is typically one in-person planning meeting, and monthly (becoming weekly closer to the Conference) virtual meetings. Because of the time-sensitive nature of ensuring information is available to members, and the conference the nitty-gritty details need to be planned well in advance, this committee does require a decent time commitment. In addition to serving on the committee, you can also volunteer your time and assist with the Conference by being a Session Presenter and/or Moderator.
Electronic Services: If you want to be at the center of the action of SASFAA, this is the best committee to join! As a member of Electronic Services, you will support all aspects of membership, from website changes, event registration, conference planning, email messages, and all other committees as needed. We are responsible for maintaining the organization's equipment and for ensuring the workshops and Annual Conferences have the tools necessary to provide the best environment for the training and professional development of our members. The Electronic Services committee is also responsible for assisting with the electronic election process. Be sure to select Electronic Services on the volunteer form if you'd like to be part of this team. We look forward to working with you!
Equity, Inclusion and Global Issues: The Equity, Inclusion & Global Issues Committee focus is to enhance the inclusivity and involvement of its membership to reflect the demographics of the student population it serves. The Committee is responsible for providing the SASFAA community with communication as it relates to current or upcoming global issues that is taking place within the community.
This Committee is a great fit for individuals who have a passion and who would like to share knowledge concerning societal issues and diverse populations as it relates to the financial aid profession.
Legislative Relations: Financial aid is a heavily regulated field so having a strong ability to monitor, influence, interpret, and prepare for upcoming changes is critical to your department, your college, and your students. The Legislative relations committee stays informed of various state and national legislative activity that is important to the Association and its members. Committee members assist in keeping the membership aware of major legislative activities and will meet regularly to make sure that information is shared between all states. The committee also recommends to the Executive Board the association’s response to important legislative initiatives regarding statutes, regulations, and Notices of Proposed Rule Making. Committee members may plan or partake in Federal Hill visits or help coordinate visits in state of congressional members. The purpose of such visits is advocacy for improving our nations and states financial aid systems and rules.
Membership: Actively solicits membership in the Association from eligible individuals involved in the administration of financial aid; Ensures accuracy of the membership directory. A critical responsibility of membership is reaching out to new members to make them feel welcome. Time and effort is given to work with the SASFAA Conference Committee to greet all Conference attendees and assist with the check-in process. Time commitment is minimal. Most of your time will be focused on assisting with outreach to new membership. Ideas to reach new members are always welcome!
Professional Development: If you are a trainer at heart, or are at least interested in supporting the training and professional development opportunities offered by SASFAA, look no further! The Professional Development Committee, chaired by the Vice President, plans and coordinates training activities for the Association including the New/Intermediate Aid Officers Workshop, specialty training through NASFAA, special topic webinars, and other training opportunities.
Records/P&P: Description forthcoming.
Site Selection: Would you like to have a say in where SASFAA holds its annual conference and other events? Are you interested in learning the art of contract negotiation? If so, this is the committee for you! The Site Selection committee secures appropriate conference sites for the Association's conferences and board meetings. Works to maintain a database of possible locations for future conferences throughout the state. The committee meets approximately four times per year, usually remotely, but occasionally conducts site visits.
Sponsorship: Without the generosity of our Sponsors, SASFAA would not be able to offer all of the amazing opportunities we do for our members. The Sponsorship Committee is tasked with soliciting support from vendors for Association activities, by fostering existing relations, and establishing connections with potential vendors. This committee also coordinates the Sponsor/Vendor Area at the Annual SASFAA Conference. Serving on the Sponsorship Committee is a great way to not only give back to the Association, but to collaborate and work closely with our Sponsors.