Southern    Association   of    Student  
          Financial   Aid   Administrators

2024 Enrollment Management Forum

  • 28-Oct-2024
  • 1:00 PM
  • 30-Oct-2024
  • 1:00 PM
  • Greenville, SC
  • 45


  • This registration includes the $350 registration fee and $500 to vendor fee.
  • Attendees that are not current SASFAA members. Cost is the $385--$35 membership fee and $350 EMF registration.
  • This ticket type is for special guests for the event. If you do not have the special code, you MUST register as an EMF Attendee.


SASFAA 2024 Enrollment Management Forum

We are pleased to announce that the registration for the SASFAA Enrollment Management Forum (EMF), led by Jackie Copeland, is now open. The EMF is a unique opportunity for senior leaders to network, learn, and exchange ideas on the most pressing issues and challenges facing our field, with special guest panelist Justin Draeger, Senior Vice President Affordability, Strada Education Network.

This year's theme is "Navigating the Changing Field of Enrollment Management: Where We Are Now, and Where Do We Go From Here?" We will explore the current state of enrollment management, the trends and forces that are shaping it, and the strategies and innovations that can help us thrive in the future. The EMF will feature presentations and discussions by experts and practitioners from a variety of institutions and organizations. You will also have the opportunity to participate in an Open Forum session, where you can share your experiences, questions, and solutions with your peers.

Registration for the 2024 SASFAA Enrollment Management Forum is capped at 75. 

The Enrollment Management Forum Committee, led by Jackie Copeland, has a robust agenda planned. This event is designed for higher level financial aid administrators (AVP, Director, Associate Director, Assistant Director).

The Enrollment Management Forum will take place at the Hyatt Regency Greenville in Greenville, SC. Room rate is $184/night and must be booked no later than October 4th to ensure the group rate is received. 

Advance payment is required.  Registrants may not attend the Forum if payment has not been received by the SASFAA Treasurer.  Registrations after October 7th will have a late fee of $50 applied. 

Credit card payments may be made during the registration process.  To pay by credit card after registration has been completed, access the on-line payment option on the SASFAA website with login credentials (email address and password).

Checks must be received by the SASFAA Treasurer by October 14, 2024, or the attendee must bring the check to the event (and include late payment fee).

Sponsorship Information
Sponsorship information is coming soon. If you are a prospective sponsor, please do not use this form to register.

Cancellation Policy

Registration fee is fully refundable through October 4, 2024. After October 4, 2024, there is no refund. The date the refund request is received by the SASFAA Treasurer will determine if there will be a refund.  

Alabama      Florida      Georgia      Kentucky      Mississippi      North Carolina      South Carolina      Tennessee      Virginia 



Southern Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators

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